I am re-reading "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In one chapter the author, Stephen Covey talks about how we tend to worry about everything in the world. We are concerned about our economy, political situation our job stability, interest rates and about our kids' future. We worry about what we eat, and drink. We are concerned about the prices, inflation, our retirement. Just to name a few.
It's quite overwhelming and the media is not helping us to reduce our levels of stress by bringing new concerns into our attention on an hourly bases; such as global warming, stock market crashes and live broadcasts from the war zone.
The author of the book suggests doing this.
Take all your concerns and write them down on a piece of paper and tag them as The Circle of Concerns. Then go through them one by one and ask yourself a question, "Is it within my power to do anything about this concern?" And if the answer is yes then write them down and tag them as Circle of Influence.
Soon you will see that out of so many concerns that occupy your mind at the present moment there are only a few that you yourself can influence and do something about it.
Proactive people focus their efforts in the circle of influence. They work on the things that they can do something about.
Reactive people, on th eother hand focus their efforts in the Circle of Concern.
So lets be Proactive and take control of our concerns. Let's start to work on our circle of influence rather than worry about our circle of concern.
This small adjustment in our attitude will have a calming effect in our everyday life and it makes us more effective and productive in our work and home.
Tibor Bogdan
Your Realtor for Life
What are you concerned about?
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circle of influence,