Making new friends was so easy when we were children. There were kids in the neighborhood to play with and classmates to hang out with. All through school and on into college, people were just there – people who became our friends.
That all changed when we entered the adult world. We may be surrounded by people in our community and/or work environment with whom we’re friendly, but they may not be people we form friendships with.
Sometimes friendships end because people move away, or people change, or they simply get too busy with family and work to do more than send a holiday card.
However in my opinion real friendships do not recognize distances and/or time. I have few good friends back in Slovakia where I lived for first 28 years of my life . Even after years of not being in contact with them when we meet it felt like the time did nothing to our friendship it is still there . We may look and even feel older and our interest may be different now , but we still feel connected.
However I grew up in the times when we actually meet our friends in person. We had no Cellphones to text each other, no Internet to send emails. The only time we were able to interact was when we did thinks together.
We live in a different world now.
I feel like We misuse word “ Friend “ these days. In the world of social media we place a label “Friend “ on anyone that sends us a request. Don’t get me wrong ,I am not saying that we should not be friends online , My point is that we should make the effort to get to know people in our so called “ Friend Circle” and see if we can form a real friendships with some of them
Use the social media for staying in touch with your real friends but also find new ones and make the effort to really get to know people . Take them for coffee ,visit them at work go to the gym together or for a golf game.
We are all unique in our own way . so let’s find out what is good and unique about our Face Book friends
I am sure you will be glad you did.
Tibor Bogdan
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