Here's an idea of what the current real estate statistics in Abbotsford for the month of March 2019.
Residential Detached in Abbotsford
Average sale price was $817,639, down from March 2018's average sale price of $836,591.
Average sale price was $464,450, down from March 2018's average sale price of $519,021.
Average sale price was $305,268, down from March 2018's average sale price of $333,463.
Average sale price was $817,639, down from March 2018's average sale price of $836,591.
Average sale price was $464,450, down from March 2018's average sale price of $519,021.
Average sale price was $305,268, down from March 2018's average sale price of $333,463.
Residential Detached in Chilliwack.
Average sale price was $651,024, down from March 2018's average sale price of $660,427.
Average sale price was $449,161, down from March 2018's average sale price of $479,029.
Average sale price was $245,210, down from March 2018's average sale price of $249,648.
If you wish to receive more detailed stats, reply to this email with your request.
Average sale price was $651,024, down from March 2018's average sale price of $660,427.
Average sale price was $449,161, down from March 2018's average sale price of $479,029.
Average sale price was $245,210, down from March 2018's average sale price of $249,648.
If you wish to receive more detailed stats, reply to this email with your request.
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